Where do I want to live?

DSC_0227 The cardboard city was part of a four-week public-art project. CAS Associates ran a pop-up shop (The Bureau of Exchange) in Andover. Curated by CAS Associate Lydia Heath, the Bureau examined if a pop-up shop can be used for the community rather than commerce. Through a series of free activities and workshops starting  27th May 2015, it addressed this question, with each week being led by a different artist.

“Where do I want to Live?” was week three.

DSC_0251“Throughout the week we will be creating a sprawling, urban environment made from cardboard. Visitors and hosts will draw, decorate, cut, fold and build their favourite places and buildings from Andover and beyond.





DSC_0232 It could be said that the world around us is glued together with value. Things tend not to pointlessly attract other things. There is usually a reason. Roots value water. Flowers value bees, Planets value suns, and families value each other.







In all living systems, there is also process of exchange. A closed system will wither and die, an open one will thrive and live. What the exchange is exactly, will depend on what is valued, and its location. Cactii grow in deserts and mould grows where its damp. I value coffee, so I go to a cafe, and give them money. They give me coffee. This makes me happy, so I go back. The system thrives.


People, like any other organism will cluster around what they value and, as is typical of life, new values and exchanges will spontaneously arise, each in their turn creating new ones. Communities grow like this.

Most of us have moved towns at some point, maybe even several times, and there are some of those that we will remember more fondly than others.

  • What is it about a town that allows us to grow, to thrive and create a community?
  • What sort of environment enables an individual, or a family or a business to value it, and feel valued in return?
  • Is a town made from memory as much as it is from aspiration?
  • Where do you want to live?”



The people of Andover were invited to join in making cardboard recreations of their favourite places, as well as their imaginary places between Wed 10  and Sat 13 June 2015
