This years Artmark conference, themed around “Connecting | Collaborating | Celebrating” took place at the BFI in London on 23rd October.
Titled “Zines’: Self Publishing Made Easy” this workshop was devised and led by David Dixon and Tom Mortimer as well as representatives from Portway Junior School, Andover, Hampshire
“The single-sheet Zine introduces pupils to design, and provides a format for easy reproduction and distribution. Zines are accessible, adaptable and can be applied whatever is being taught. It provides children and young people with a method of exploring and exchanging ideas that they can share and own.
Zines revolve around music, artwork, poetry, cartoons, editorials and short stories. The workshop will provide an imaginative approach to writing using art, craft and design to explore ways of writing for a range of audiences. This is a great way to link creative writing and Artsmark.”
The session delivered a high speed zine workshop as a teaser trailer of possibilities for teachers across the UK. In their allocated one hour they were given a ‘Zine 101′ introduction and then produced an 8-page zine.